Resources for supporters

Communication tips
Sometimes it can be hard to know what to say or when to say it. Here are some tips for good communication between yourself and a survivor.
Common questions
Information about some very common experiences and concerns from supporters.
Supporting yourself
As a supporter, it is important to look after yourself. Knowing your own needs and finding ways to meet them is an important part of the journey with a survivor.
Disclosure: How you can help
Information about what can hinder or support men’s disclosure, along with some suggestions as to how you might initially respond and assist a male survivor.
Developing intimacy in relationships
Information about some of the difficulties a man who has experienced sexual victimization can face, along with suggestions on how to develop intimacy in partner relationships and friendships.
Partners & sexual intimacy
Sometimes, childhood abuse can impact on sexual relationships, and requires some working through. We detail some common difficulties, along with steps that can be taken to overcome them.
Disclosure: Information for partners
Feelings, thoughts and questions that partners and close family members can confront when a loved one discloses an experience of childhood sexual abuse, along with a discussion of helpful initial responses.
Relationship challenges
This page addresses some common challenges that can confront couples, along with some ways of responding.