
SAMSN has not only supported the victims but also acknowledged me as a carer. Getting involved with SAMSN is the first time I have felt acknowledged and respected during difficult times.


Hear from other supporters

The important role of supporters: This video, contains a welcome from our patron, Robert Fitzgerald AM acknowledging the important role that supporters play in supporting survivors.

Experiences of supporters: In this video, supporters Lucy, Anne, Jo, Tracy and Erika share their experiences as supporters of survivors.

Survivor insights: In this video, Matthew and Dave share their insights on support for survivors.

I highly recommend SAMSN. I was not sure what to expect, as a supporter I now have a better understanding. It was very helpful to listen to other people’s experiences.


Learn more from other supporters

Common questions from supporters: In this video, Supporters Jo, Tracy, Erika, Lucy, and Anne respond to common questions about supporting survivors.

Believe children: In this video, Jane shares her experience as a mother supporting her son after his disclosure of sexual abuse. If you are supporting a survivor aged under 18, Bravehearts can assist you - freecall 1800 272 831

Very practical and productive, has helped unpack the enormity of impact on my brother's life.


Looking for resources?

We have many resources that can be read, watched, or listened to.

Looking for support?

Supporting a survivor can be challenging and overwhelming. At SAMSN, we are here to support you too. Know you are not alone in the journey supporting the survivor in your life.