
I know when I call into SAMSN that I'll be talking to someone who can relate and that's a really big deal!


Looking for resources?

We have many resources that can be read, watched, or listened to.

Looking for support?

Looking for support with Redress, Centrelink, counselling, or would you like to talk to a mate who can relate?

Watch. Listen. Learn.

SAMSN guys’ thoughts and feelings: watch video

SAMSN Eight-week Group Alumni reflect on the group experience: watch video

It has changed everything: my life is not the same, I came here as a broken man with no hope. Today I leave as a 'Survivor' not a victim. My family life relationship and all is changing in a positive way.


The service is excellent. Extremely supportive, great resources and professional staff. I cannot praise SAMSN enough. I hope SAMSN continues to grow and flourish!


The organisation of SAMSN is the most hard-working delivery of recovery in CSA I have encountered. The empathy, compassion and support are outstanding.


The group has helped me contextualise my experience in a broader human story and helped me feel less alone and isolated. As a result, the group has also normalised my struggles and lessened feelings of shame, inadequacy and the need for secrecy. I can be more honest about the aftermath of abuse with myself and others.


I attended the 8-week group counselling sessions and the difference is my relationship with my wife and children has been extraordinary. A massive burden has been lifted from my life and I give thanks to SAMSN for the change in my life and the lives of my family in such a positive way.


I have started to speak about something that I’ve never discussed before. The issues I came in with are still there and I can now more clearly see them. It’s no magic pill just another step in the journey.


I feel more willing to talk to people about being a survivor and in helping others I feel less anxious more able to breathe and feel more positive about moving forward.


I feel like I have legitimately started my road to recovery. Not as scared to talk about this. I am not broken.


Big load off my chest being able to talk. The group helped me understand about my experiences and their impact on my life. I am less angry, better at listening and being supportive.


I am no longer a victim. I am a 58 year old male survivor and I will not be that 8 year old victim anymore.


We understand the struggles male survivors face; and many survivors experience similar impacts from the abuse.

These can include anxiety, depression, suicidality, feelings of worthlessness, shame, anger and self-blame as well as struggles with trust, intimacy and other relationship problems, challenges relating to sexuality and gender,identity issues and addictions, and challenges with authorities. Male survivors also face some unique impacts. Some of these arise from the expectations about men in our society. 

We believe that your survival is testament to your resilience. You are not alone.

We provide connections with others who have walked a similar path and focus on the way forward to recovery and growth. We provide individual support to you and your family and supporters. SAMSN’s Eight-week Support Groups, led by male facilitators with professional training, have a trauma informed approach that prioritises your safety and focuses on recovery and healing. SAMSN’s Monthly Drop-In Meetings provide a forum for connections and conversations about recovery, and opportunities for learning from each other. 

Despite the impacts of the abuse and the additional societal challenges, boys and men find ways to survive and manage these many challenges.

We recognise the additional issues for more marginalised groups of men 

Men who are not from the dominant white, male culture face additional challenges of stereotyping in relation to their identity as men. This includes Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander men, those from culturally diverse backgrounds, prisoners, men from rural and remote areas, men in the military, men with disabilities, men from the LGBTIQA+ communities and older men. These men experience additional layers of discrimination, shame, isolation and have often have less access to support. 

We are building a network of survivors who are finding their pathways to recovery & healing. 

Despite the impacts of the abuse and the additional societal challenges, boys and men find ways to survive and manage these many challenges. There are things that we know can build a strong and healthy sense of self:

  • Knowledge and getting some facts and information about abuse, emotions, impacts and services available will help. 
  • Safety within yourself and in your key relationships, and a safe place, are also key. 
  • Self-acceptance and the realisation that the abuse doesn’t define you, and accepting that others believe that too.

When you can find others who understand, knowing you are not alone, you can start to make decisions and choices, and take control of the things you can change. Plus, hope for justice, a desire for change, and finding a way to turn this into something that gives back.

Need urgent or crisis assistance right away?

Call Lifeline on 13 11 14 for 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services.

Call Blue Knot Foundation Helpline on 1800 657 380 – operating 9 am to 6pm, Mon – Fri and 9 am to 5pm, Sat-Sun & Public Holidays